Leslie & Margaret

Distance doesn't have to be a problem for singles using the internet.

It is exactly a year since Leslie and I first met. Leslie lived in East Devon and I was 300 miles away in West Yorkshire. However, nothing daunted, we finally met on 20th September - in the very romantic setting of a Sainsbury's car park. To say we 'hit it off' would be putting it mildly!!

Two months later we were engaged to be married - Leslie is in his early 70s and I am getting on that way!! So, being pretty sure of each other, we didn't want to waste any time. When Leslie came along I knew it was God's solution for me - and the months since then have just reinforced this more and more for both of us. We are absolutely positive that God has facilitated our marriage - with the invaluable help of Christian Connection.

We were married by my pastor and lifelong friend on 2nd April - a very happy occasion for everyone present. We had 7 bridesmaids (our combined grand-daughters).

There is so much more that I could say. Our hearts are so full of thanks to our Lord for bringing us together. But we both want to thank you for being his tool.

In gratitude.

Margaret and Leslie

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