Joy & Rich

Joy & Rich

We met in August 2020, in the small window between lockdowns, when Joy was brave enough to send a wave. It was so refreshing for both of us to find people who wanted to talk and share. We very quickly developed an amazing rapport through a very similar sense of humour, shared values and parenting of our 3 kids between us. We survived homeschooling and everything that Covid could throw at us to grow nothing but stronger and closer.

Benches feature heavily in our story! Sitting on one when we first met in person, we made a commitment to give a relationship a go. Sitting on a different one, we shared our first kiss. Sitting on another one, the proposal came in the freezing cold of Valentine's weekend! We got married in July 2021 with a wedding blessing planned in 2022 to celebrate with all our friends & family, rejoicing and giving thanks for all that we've been richly blessed with.

Number one tip - have courage and faith to wave back & absolutely reply with a message. Start the conversation and start your story!

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