Ian & Karen

Ian & Karen

August 2024

We met online in August 2018 on Christian Connection. I had previously expressed that I would never try online dating, as you don’t know who’s out there, but I’m glad I took that leap of faith. Ian was the first and only connection that I made, after only being on the site for a matter of weeks. I liked the sound of Ian’s profile, which was down to earth and easy going. Over the years, Ian had prayed that he would meet someone special, as had family and friends. One particular morning, Ian remembers having quite a long prayer with God. Among other things, he prayed to find that special lady to share his life with. August 11, 2018, was a significant day for us. This was the day we met in person for the first time. From the moment we met, I saw a familiarity in Ian. We discovered during our first date that we had mutual friends and acquaintances. Unbelievably, I knew Ian’s sister and brother-in-law, from a past church connection. So began our courtship, which blossomed into a wonderful relationship. We’ve endured major life changes and many highs and lows, over the last six years. We’ve enjoyed getting to know each other and our families, and growing together. Ian is the most genuine, caring and Godly Christian man that I never thought I’d ever meet. He is the gentleman that God has brought to me. When Ian and I met, we were both in our fifties, never married and no children. God can match make people of any age – we’re living proof of that – you just have to be patient and have faith. In August last year we marked five years since we first met. It was on that day that Ian asked me to marry him, and I said yes. He is so grateful that I did. We look forward to making many more memories together.

My tip for single Christians is to never give up and have faith (even when it’s hard). I know it’s a cliché, but Ian & I are living proof that it can happen. God’s timing is paramount. I was 53 when I met Ian. I’d never had a boyfriend before meeting him, and thought all hope was lost. I still can’t believe it finally happened. I can’t believe how much my life has changed – I pinch myself every day. We discovered that we briefly met approximately 10 years earlier, but it was fleeting. Even though I knew his sister from church, I don’t think our paths would’ve ever crossed again without Christian Connection (he’s a farmer in a remote area). Our relationship can be summed up in 6 words: ‘The Farmer Finally Got His Wife!’ Thank you God and thank you Christian Connection!

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